If your have any problems or suggestions please send a mail to you will get the response in a short time. More than a basic check register and reporting tool, CheckBook Pro features everything in CheckBook, our powerfully simple personal finance manager, and then some. ※Elegant, Powerful & User friendly interface You can set the time period to daily, weekly, monthly & yearly. Review all your expense & income by category or account with beautiful graphs and reports. Reconcile your transactions by editing cleared/un-cleared status Transfer funds from one account to another. Search and edit transactions in the same screen. Quickly search for transactions by dates, name, payee and category. All details you need to keep track of your transactions are including. Supports multiple categories with beautiful icons to choose from.

Save a transaction to be used repeatedly(daily, weekly, 2 weeks, monthly, tire monthly), without retyping all the details. Filter transactions by tapping a date or selecting multiple dates on the calendar.

Show all your monthly transactions as points on the calendar. Export your transactions by email for use of desktop applications such as Excel, Quicken.etc. You can even search the transaction by crossing your finger on the calendar! All details of the Checkbook Pro are well designed to provide excellent experience. You can create multiple accounts, save recurring transactions, transfer funds, view reports & graphs, export data.etc. With Checkbook Pro application, it can totally replace your paper checkbook. An easy & quick way to manage your daily finances, Checkbook Pro keeps track of your credit card charges, cash expenditures.etc.